

Book launch 'Colour: Urban Space, Architecture and Design'

On February 16th, 2023, at 4.30 pm, the launch of the book 'Cor: Espaço Urbano, Arquitectura e Design' took place at the Faculty of Architecture. This publication is the result of collaboration between the Portuguese Color Association, LabCor and the Color and Light Research Group (CIAUD - FAUL). There is also another volume in English.

The event featured a presentation by Prof. Fernando Moreira da Silva, guest editor, and Honorary Associate of APCor. The table was formed by Carlos Coelho, President of FA-ULISBOA, Rita Assoreira Almendra representing CIAUD, Luisa Martinez, President of APCor and Maria João Durão, Publisher and Honorary President of APCor.

Buy the book here:

Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa

02 – 16 – 2023

04:30 p.m.