

Cor: Espaço Urbano, Arquitectura e Design

  • ISBN: 978-989-755-653-1 | eISBN 978-989-755-650-0

    PUBLISHER: Edições Húmus

    PUBLICATION LOCATION: Vila Nova de Famalicão

    PUBLISHERS: Maria João Durão

    PUBLICATION TITLE: Cor: Espaço Urbano, Arquitectura e Design


    BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCE: Durão, M. J. (ed.). 2021. Cor: Espaço Urbano, Arquitectura e Design. APCor, LabCor e GICL – CIAUD (org.). Vila Nova de Famalicão: Edições Húmus.

  • Keywords

    Espaço UrbanoArquiteturaDesign
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Colour: Urban Space, Architecture, and Design is a bilingual publication on colour - in two separate volumes- with an international scientific committee of researchers, which aims to disseminate the research undertaken in the multidisciplinary area of colour. This book celebrates the existing collaboration between APCor - Portuguese Colour Association and the Lisboa School of Architecture. Universidade de Lisboa's colour research structures: Colour Lab and Colour and Light Research Group.