

Luz e Cor: um fenómeno interdisciplinar e transversal (pt/eng)

  • DOI: 1646-2262

    PUBLISHER: Archinews


    PUBLISHERS: Maria João Durão

    PUBLICATION TITLE: Luz e Cor: um fenómeno interdisciplinar e transversal. Light and Color: an interdisciplinary and transversal phenomenon


    BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCE: Durão, M-J (ed.) 2012. Luz e Cor: um fenómeno interdisciplinar e transversal. Light and Color: an interdisciplinary and transversal phenomenon. ArchiNews nº2 Edição Especial. Special Edition

  • Keywords

    Espaço UrbanoArquiteturaDesign
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This special edition of the Archinews is dedicated to the publication of research projects carried out by members of the Portuguese Colour Association (APCor). The works that are being published here were exhibited at the Gallery of the "Ordem dos Arquitectos" and presented within the Seminar that ran in parallel at the Faculty of Architecture of the Lisbon Technical University (UTL). The event COR was formed by these two public representations that took place between the 7th and 30th of May 2009 and was co-organized by the Portuguese Colour Association and the Ordem dos Arquitectos - Secção Regional Sul (Editorial | Maria João Durão) 
This edition includes the contributions of the members:
Verónica Conte; Filipa Santos, Royal Haskoning Architecten; Isabel Braz de Oliveira, Luís Bissau; Maria Cristina Pinheiro; André Mesquita Almeida; Helena Soares; Rui Barreiros Duarte; João Nuno Pernão; Diana Soeiro; Felipa Paes de Vasconcelos; Zélia Simões; Maria João Durão; Carla Lobo; Fernando Moreira da Silva; Manuela Soares; Sandra Rodrigues; Maria João Durão, Inês Simões; Fernando Moreira da Silva, Catarina Monteiro da Costa; IADE 1st Year Students. 
(Authors in reading order)