

Soluções para Projectos - Cor

  • PUBLISHER: Robbialac SA.

    PUBLISHERS: Maria João Durão

    PUBLICATION TITLE: Soluções para Projectos - Cor


    BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCE: Durão, M-J. (ed.) 2013. Soluções para Projectos - Cor. Portugal: Tintas Robbialac SA.

  • Keywords

    Espaço UrbanoArquiteturaDesignTeoria da Cor

We all have a very personal relationship with color. Even the blind are influenced by its radiations and are able to identify them, as each color reflects a different temperature.
We were born and raised with colors. We work a lifetime with them, we identify ourselves with them and, possibly, we never looked at what color is or how to define it. And, when trying to define it, not all of us express ourselves in the same way because, in reality, color is an individual language. Man reacts to it according to his physical conditions and cultural influences. The colour identification or colour combination, the impact of its use, cannot be analyzed only by aesthetics. This impact is always closely linked to the use made of the color element.
Every color has a moving action. Visual distances become relative. The visual field becomes elastic. For example, a black surface or a red surface will appear to be approaching, a white surface or a blue surface will appear to be moving away. (...)
But the phenomenon of color-sensation does not stop there. (Tintas Robbialac e a Cor. Teoria da Cor)